5 sprint retrospective formats with examples

Sprint retrospectives are a valuable practice for agile teams, allowing your team to reflect, communicate, and improve. There are numerous ways to run a sprint retrospective, and many teams will mix up their retrospective formats to keep things fresh. In…

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Why Agile Teams Need to Run Retrospectives

Sprint retrospectives are a great way to promote a culture of continuous improvement and open communication within an agile team. Retrospectives can help your team identify problems, celebrate wins, and create actionable plans to lead your team to success. What…

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Hello world!

Welcome to the Myko blog! Myko is an online agile sprint retrospective tool that fuels high performance teams. In our blog we’ll be exploring the world of agile, scrum, and all things that lead to improvements in team productivity. Stay…

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Myko is an easy to use, online agile sprint retrospective tool that fuels high performance teams

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